AMSA is looking for interested tenderers for an upcoming project at Port Hedland, Western Australia.
The successful tenderer will be tasked with replacing the above-water sections of the thirteen seaward Port Hedland aids to navigation (AtoN) channel markers.
This work is necessary due to the age of the upper structures, damage sustained in Tropical Cyclone Veronica in 2019 and due to the requirement to raise the light above the storm wave height and into alignment with the inshore beacons.
The overall scope of the project includes design development of the AMSA concept, fabrication, construction and commissioning of the AtoNs. Pilbara Port Authority (PPA) is a primary stakeholder in the project as an operator of Port Hedland.
AMSA seeks to award the project to an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) marine contractor with proven capability and resources operating in accordance with a certified integrated management system (IMS).
The nominated construction vessel/barge must be able to maintain position without an anchored mooring system. Vessels to be typically a jack-up barge or dynamically positioned.
Tenderers will also require accreditation with the Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner (OFSC). The accreditation must be achieved by the closing date of the Tender to be considered.
AMSA will be releasing an Approach to Market (ATM – 20AMSA020) on AusTender around May 2021 with the project to be completed by 30 June 2023.
Tenderers are encouraged to be registered with AusTender to receive an Automatic notification of the tender release.
For more information, please contact Duncan Cameron via email Duncan.cameron@amsa.gov.au and reference PHCMP Enquiry.