The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has completed a major $15.5 million two-year project, to repair and rejuvenate essential aids to navigation (AtoNs) off the coast of Port Hedland, Western Australia.
AMSA commissioned the works following Severe Tropical Cyclone Veronica in 2019, which caused significant damage to electrical equipment, access ladders, platforms, day markers and fenders.
As part of this project, AMSA has replaced the top of 13 AtoNs, installed new platforms and above water pile sections, and increased the height of AtoN platforms, to reduce the risk of wave impact from storms.
Most of the onsite works were undertaken using specialist ‘jack up’ barge equipment, but other works required the use of rope access technicians, divers and riggers who worked in some challenging conditions.
Workers contended with strong tides, winds and waves, as well as the risks posed by passing large ships.
On-site work was temporarily halted in April 2023, due to Cyclone Ilsa. The specialist ‘jack up’ barge, and supporting vessels, used for the project were taken to a cyclone refuge close to Port Hedland, to ride out the storm.
AMSA Executive Director Response Mark Morrow said the project demonstrates AMSA’s commitment to ensuring AtoNs around Australia are kept well-maintained and operational.
“The efficient and safe movement of shipping is essential to Australia and our economy,” he said.
“This project will add another two decades to the lifespan of this vital safety infrastructure.
“Working in these conditions can be challenging as was experienced here, and I congratulate the project team and contractor Austral Construction on a job well done.”
Port Hedland is the world's largest bulk export port, exporting iron ore, lithium and salt.
Images and drone video footage of the project can be found here: Port Hedland aids to navigation repair and rejuvenation project 2023 (hightail.com)
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